(702) 805-4800 | Toll-Free: 1-844-781-DEPO [email protected]

Leading People | Leading Service | Leading Technology

Leading the way in Court Reporting, Videography and Trial Support in Las Vegas, Nevada

The Impact of Remote Depositions

More than a year and a half ago, the world shut down due to the global pandemic. In that time, most people had to learn to adapt to a new lifestyle of work. For those in the world of law, that change comes in the form of remote depositions. Many firms already offered something similar to remote depositions with legal videoconferencing, but working fully remotely was something that most legal professionals had not done. With the success many firms have seen, a question comes: are remote depositions here to stay?

The general consensus is a resounding “yes.” Many have grown to enjoy the flexibility that comes with remote depositions. Attorneys, opposing counsel, and their witnesses are able to schedule a time that works best for everyone involved without having to worry about scheduling a meeting space. For those who would have had to travel substantial distances to be a part of an in-person deposition, they no longer have to worry about the time and money spent on said travel.

The Future of Remote Services

The flexibility and freedom alone guarantee that remote depositions will continue to be a crucial part of our world, though perhaps in a more supplemental facet. In-person meetings will become more regular once more, but remote depositions will stand to be a great choice for those who can’t travel or perhaps don’t want to infect others when they are sick.

If remote depositions are here to stay, it certain begs the question: will more remote law services arise? Can we eventually expect remote, full-jury trials? Though this is a bit more difficult to organize with juries and court rules, a few courts have attempted this. It is possible that we might see this service more often, but for the time being, remote depositions will continue to be the standard. If you are in need of a remote deposition service with the best Las Vegas court reporters, schedule a service with us today.





Depositions| Discovery | Decisions


Certified Court Reporting

Certified Court Reporters with advanced national certifications, recognition for realtime, speed and other tested qualifications. NV CCR #312; Firm #088F

Video Depositions

Certified Legal Videographers working beside certified reporters to provide trial-ready HD video synchronized with the transcript text.

Streaming Depositions

Testimony streamed “realtime” with 99%+ accuracy to individual iPads provided for appearing counsel in the deposition or trial. Video and text may also be streamed remotely.


Video conferencing in conference rooms and mobile locations worldwide including Zoom, LiveLitigation, etc. 

Conference Rooms

We utilize our offices and affordable, high-tech conference rooms around the world. Our conference rooms offer state-of-the art amenities and concierge services. 

Document Management & Exhibits

Envision will maintain Master-Exhibit Binders for maximum exhibit consistency from “file-to-trial” including preparation of digital and paper trial binders. 

Discovery Services

From exhibit retrieval for archival and E-Discovery for Review on leading cloud platforms to online repositories, Discovery is part of our vision. 

Trial Presentation

In-Courtroom tech-support and trial exhibit preparation and presentation. Support for iPro Trial Director 360® and Lexis-Nexis Sanction® software. 



Our Las Vegas, Nevada Offices

700 South 3rd Street

RMCM Building – 1st floor
Las Vegas, NV 89101







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