(702) 805-4800 | Toll-Free: 1-844-781-DEPO scheduling@envision.legal

Leading People | Leading Service | Leading Technology

Leading the way in Court Reporting, Videography and Trial Support in Las Vegas, Nevada

Host a Deposition from the Comfort of Your Home

We at Envision Legal are here to dispel some of the concerns clients express about remote depositions. For more than two years, we have had an excellent response to our remote deposition work executed on Zoom. These depositions include realtime text, enhanced audio for the video transcript, and managed exhibits.

We were the first Nevada court reporting firm to do remote depositions in 2003. Our president, Monice Campbell, and the Envision Team have 19-years of remote deposition experience. As the years have gone by we have adapted the service to better fit the needs of our clients, and have since implemented enhanced features to make Zoom depositions uniquely effective.

Tip: Zoom regularly releases security upgrades and enhancements, so please run the updates for Zoom when prompted as you launch the software so the deposition can run as smoothly and securely as possible.

Envision has worked with its tech partners to implement enhancements that address inherent weaknesses of remote depositions. For example, enhanced features for realtime reporting, audio quality, and exhibit management have been added.

A realtime text feed helps all participants to see and understand the questions and answers much better and limits need for readbacks. Audio enhancements filter out ambient background noise with many participants working from home. And exhibit management leaves participants with a PDF set of exhibits upon completion, in addition to creating an online Master Exhibit Repository.

For more information about our remote deposition services, contact us today.

Host a Remote Deposition

Keep everyone safe and healthy at home by scheduling your next remote deposition with Envision Legal.





Depositions| Discovery | Decisions


Certified Court Reporting

Certified Court Reporters with advanced national certifications, recognition for realtime, speed and other tested qualifications. NV CCR #312; Firm #088F

Video Depositions

Certified Legal Videographers working beside certified reporters to provide trial-ready HD video synchronized with the transcript text.

Streaming Depositions

Testimony streamed “realtime” with 99%+ accuracy to individual iPads provided for appearing counsel in the deposition or trial. Video and text may also be streamed remotely.


Video conferencing in conference rooms and mobile locations worldwide including Zoom, LiveLitigation, etc. 

Conference Rooms

We utilize our offices and affordable, high-tech conference rooms around the world. Our conference rooms offer state-of-the art amenities and concierge services. 

Document Management & Exhibits

Envision will maintain Master-Exhibit Binders for maximum exhibit consistency from “file-to-trial” including preparation of digital and paper trial binders. 

Discovery Services

From exhibit retrieval for archival and E-Discovery for Review on leading cloud platforms to online repositories, Discovery is part of our vision. 

Trial Presentation

In-Courtroom tech-support and trial exhibit preparation and presentation. Support for iPro Trial Director 360® and Lexis-Nexis Sanction® software. 



Our Las Vegas, Nevada Offices

700 South 3rd Street

RMCM Building – 1st floor
Las Vegas, NV 89101







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